Susana Girón (Huéscar, Granada)
She first received a master’s degree in Physical Education. Years later she also graduated in Photography and Visual Arts at the University Miguel Hernandez in Elche. She is currently represented by LE INSTITUTE Artist management. She has frequent collaborations in different institutions like Fundación Telefónica, EFTI, Instituto Cervantes, La Ampliadora, Cadiz University (UCA), Cervezas Alhambra, Hays, Spanish Embassy in París, and Angola…
Her projects weave stories that usually speak of the everyday. The memory, the time, the identity of the places photographed, emotions, memories, cultural roots, and the fragility of this intimate universe of experiences articulate her personal and distinctive visual narrative. Her works are generally based on the creation of photographic topics that confront the subject outside the spotlight of today. Its iconography invites reflection, upon a second reading usually something unexpected encourages to continue discovering. Her personal technique favors the dialogue of emotions that help us to recognize ourselves in places and situations that, a priori, do not belong to us.
A regular contributor to international media. Her work has been published in:
- New York Times, National Geographic, Financial Times, Die Zeit, GEO France, Der Spiegel, El País, Helsingin Sanomat, Stern, BBC, El Mundo, La Nación, Terramater magazine, Polka, XL Semanal, Iberia Ronda magazine,…
Published books:
- «Buena Sombra». Diputación de Granada. 2024
- «Yo Bailo». Fracasobooks. Spain. 2020
- “Zug der schafe”. Terramater | Red Bull Media House. Austria. 2019
- “Faith, passion, destiny”. Nortempo. Spain. 2012 (Sold out)
- “Legados. Generaciones en tránsito”. Artual. Spain. 2010.
- Included in “Diccionario de fotógrafos españoles”. La Fábrica. 2014
- Included in «El Tiempo Detenido». Photoespaña y Fundación Enaire. La Fábrica. 2020.
- Included in «Misión Región. Paisaje Madrid». Consejería de Cultura Comunidad de Madrid. 2023.
AWARDS· Winner POYI Latam 2021
· Premio Fundación Alberto Jiménez-Becerril 2024. Ayuntamiento de Sevilla.
. Premio f/DKV Fotografía con Causa 2022.
. Mención Honor Premios Manuel Chaves Nogales 2022. Asociación Prensa de Sevilla.
. Premio Periodismo y Comunicación Local Jaén 2022.
. Prize «Real Academia de las Bellas Artes de Granada» 2021.
. Third Prize at POY Latam 2021
. Award «Asociación de la Prensa de Huleva». Photojournalism category. 2021
. Nomination GABO awards 2021, collective project COVID PHOTO DIARIES.
. First Prize Atlanta Photojournalism Award 2020.
. Winner Second prize at International Photography grant. USA. 2019.
· Winner SIPA award (Siena International Photography awards). Italy. 2019.
. Winner of the «IMAGENERA» Best Documentary work 2019 by Andalusian Center Studies.
. Winner of Albarracín Grant 2019. Fundación Santa María de Albarracín
· Shortlisted London Business School award 2019.
· Two Honorable Mention at Atlanta Photojournalism award 2017
· Winner “Felix Ordoñez photojournalism award” 2016 and 2017
· Winner VEGAP PROPUESTAS grant 2016
· Winner Felix de Azara International Award. 2016
· Shortlisted Alfred Fried PhotoAward 2015
· Shortlisted ANI PIX PALACE 2014
. Shortlisted Kolga Tbilisi Award 2018/14
· Two Honorable Mentions IPA awards´14
· Bronze medal China International Press Photo Award 2013. CHIPP
· National Photojournalism award Doñana 2013
· Shortlisted Photoespaña Ojo de pez 2013
· Shortlisted Sony World Photography award 2012.
· Winner Fototraballo International grant 2011
· Winner Fernando Quiñones Award 2007
- «Último Rey de América». Mercado Central. Ayuntamiento de Cádiz
- «Unlimited Youth». Centro Andaluz de Fotografía. Almería
- «Buena Sombra». Palacio Condes de Gabia. Diputación de Granada.
- «Unlimited Youth». Instituto Francés de Madrid.
- «Unlimited Youth». Ayuntamiento Santa Coloma de Gramanet (Barcelona)
- «90 varas». Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa. Portugal
- «Unlimited youth». Centro de Fotografía con Causa f/DKV. Zaragoza
- «90 varas». Africa Photo Fair. Abidjan. Costa de Martil
- «Misión Región. Paisaje Madrid». Sala El Águila. Comunidad de Madrid. (Collective)
- «90 varas». Addis PhotoFest. Addis Abeba. Etiopía.
- «90 varas». Photo Art Festival. Torrelavega.
- «Mujeres en Resistencia». Ayuntamiento de Granada y Alianza Francesa de Granada.
- «Unlimited Youth». Helsinki Photo Festival. Finlandia. (Collective)
- «Yo bailo». Museo Arqueológico «Los Baños». Alhama de Murcia.
- «Covid photo diaries». Collective exhibition. Hospital Denia (Alicante).
- «Covid Photo diaries». Collective exhibition. Teatro Municipal de Aracena (Huelva)
- «90 varas». Head-On Festival. Sidney. Australia.
- «El aplauso de la Universidad». Collective Exhibition. Hospital San Cecilio. Granada.
- «Covid photo diaries». Collective exhibition. Torre DKV. Zaragoza.
- «Covid photo diaries». Collective Exhibition. Museo de la Autonomía Andaluza. Sevilla
- «90 varas». Collective Exhibition. Red Bull Hangar. Salzburgo. Austria.
- “90 varas” Neomudejar Museum. Madrid (Spain)
- “90 varas”. PATATA Photography Festival. Granada (Spain)
- “90 varas”. London Business School (UK)
- “Unlimited youth”. Zoom Photofestival Sangenay. Quebec (Canada). Collective exhibition.
- “Unlimited youth”. Festival Internacional de Imagen. Universidad Hidalgo. Mexico. Collective Exhibition.
- “People I never saw”. Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid (Spain)
- “90 varas”. FINI. Festival Internacional de Imagen. Universidad Hidalgo. Mexico.
- Collective exhibition at Royal British Geographical Society. 2016.
- “The Cathedral of Don Quixote”. Encontros da Imagem Festival. Braga (Portugal)
- “The last king of America”. Argentina Biennale on Documentary Photography. Tucuman
- “The last king of America”. Kolga Tbilisi Festival. Georgia.
- “The last King of America”. Red Bull Hangar. Salzburgo. Austria.
- “Faith, Passion, destiny”. Museo del Pueblo Gallego. Santiago de Compostela. Spain
- “Faith, Passion, Destiny”. Caixa Galicia Foundation. Coruña. Spain
- “Legados”. Argentina Biennale on Documentary Photography. Tucuman. Argentina
- “Faith, Passion, Destiny”. C.C. Las Cigarreras. Alicante (Spain).
- “Peter St from 4 to 6”. Backlight Festival. Tampere. Finland.
- “Legados”. Council of Lugo. Lugo. Spain.
- “Legados”. Photoespai. Gandia. Spain.
- “Legados”. Navarra Government. Pamplona. Spain
- “Legados”. Fotoencuentros International Festival. Murcia. Spain
- “Legados”. Encontros da Imagem. Braga. Portugal.